Urban Surf Kings

Something a little different for Bandcamp Friday: Xmas music!

The Tourmaliners - Surfin' Christmas Carols

So there were e in November, but overall it wasn't a big month. Meanwhile I'm trying to scoop things up to get my 2020 non-surf picks and of course the 2020 Gremmy Awards ready to go, so let's do a lazy one.

One interesting trend about 2020 that I've noticed is that there's been a LOT of small one-offs. Halloween had a ton of singles ready for my show, and Christmas is shaping up to be the same way. Here's some 2020 releases to get you in the mood. I won't write about all of them because, let's face it, it can be hard to write about how bands play the same well-known songs and write about them in a way that sounds unique. OK I'll be more honest: I'm not in any rush to listen to Christmas music until week of, so I've barely listened to any of these. Also, for the sake of being thorough, I'll include a few non-bandcamp releases.


The Top Surf Records of the 2010s: 80-61

Top Surf Records of the 2010s: 80-61

Here are the next 20 selections from our chosen by surf fans. Admittedly, as with the vote counts weren't quite high enough to determine heirarchy easily, so my own input certainly comes into play, though things will get more clear-cut as we go. Enjoy!


Surfguitar101 Convention 2018

Urban Surf Kings release LIVORNO live LP

Urban Surf Kings - LIVORNO

Italy's Surfer Joe Festival is in 15 days, and to commemorate it Urban Surf Kings have put out their 14th release: the live set at the 2015 Surfer Joe Festival, named LIVORNO after the city it's held in. The recording is straight off the mixing board that went to North Sea Surf Radio and features songs spanning their entire double-decade career.


The Urban Surf Kings release Play Along with Urban Surf Kings vol. 1

Urban Surf Kings - Play Along with Urban Surf Kings vol. 1

USF are often trying to think outside the box. Last year's Penguin Vs. Robot was an interesting release strategy (4 song vinyl EP with 4 extra songs included as a download). This idea isn't necessarily new, or even their own entirely, but one that I haven't seen others do. In homage to the Play Guitar WIth the Ventures albums, they've made an EP that has two songs: Livorno Twist (a tribute to Surfer Joe festival!) and Calafuria Nights. Then it has versions without the guitar, and includes tabs with the download.


Urban Surf Kings release Penguin or Robot? EP

Urban Surf Kings - Penguin or Robot?

Personally, I choose robot. I love robots. Urban Surf Kings have been churning out releases like clockwork for over 15 years now, including side projects from Rev. Hank, but I believe this one has been in the works for a good while (their starts January 1st 2013). The format here is a little different: 4-song 7" vinyl that includes a download code for those 4 songs plus another 4. So 8 songs total, but only 4 on digital media.


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