Blog Stuff

A skeleton plays fiddle for monsters

October is a great time for surf music. Some bands specialize in horror surf, some bands release spooky songs for the occasion -- it's great! Just dont' wait until Halloween to do it.

From: 09/29/2023 - 09:32

Amphibian Man -Path

Back in 2016 Amphibian Man came out of nowhere with eight fantastic, high-energy releases in the span of about a year and a half. Things have changed a lot since then. The one-man project turned into a band, played shows, released a few more albums that were more of an instrumental skate/post/punk sound. And of course being from Ukraine there's there's the aspect of having your homeland invaded from Russia, a topic that I don't think I can begin to wrap my head around.

From: 09/07/2023 - 14:51

From: 08/27/2023 - 17:08
Tags: playlist

The Ventures - New Space

Music reviews typically are here to answer one question: Is it any good? I operate by a "if you don't have anything nice to say..." rule so my answer is always either "yes" or I avoid answering. However, a new Ventures record is under heavier scrutiny, and will likely face nastier questions like, "Are these actually The Ventures?" and "Should I even care?" After all, this is their first LP in 24 years, and the lineup contains zero original members.

From: 08/26/2023 - 06:54

Surfguitar 101 Annual Festival

10am is generally a pretty agreeable time to do anything. Plenty of time to wake up, have breakfast etc. I mean that's noon back in New Orleans time. Yet when doors opened on Sunday it was a bit like a trickle. I get it too -- I still felt a little worn out from The Bomboras the previous night (), and my ears certainly weren't back into shape.

From: 08/14/2023 - 14:45


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Storm Surge of Reverb, like surf music in general, is a money-losing endeavor.

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