
Today's show and last week's playlist

Today's play

Hope y'all all had a thoroughly spooky hollereen! I've got a bunch of things new and "new" stockpiled for this weeks' show: a bunch of 45s, new Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion, Hypnotzar, Moms I'd Like to Surf... how are these all band names?

See y'all at 4pm Central time, just click the link to the right.

As for what I played last week:

10/26/15: HOLLEREEN


Today's show and last week's playlist

Today's picks

Went downright nuts picking up instrumentals at the Ponderosa Stomp Record Show this weekend, so a HUGE amount of today's show will be vintage. But you can still expect to hear some new 13th Magic Skull, Twang-o-Matics, Night Birds, Compartmentalizationists, Die Krabben, Men from SPECTRE and more. 

As for what I played last week


Playlist 9/21/2015

Make sure to tune in TODAY to hear an interview with Davie Allan!

messer chups - war party (the incredible croco-tiger)
burt rocket - fiberglass frenzy (fiberglass frenzy)
atomic 7 - funeral hotpants (en hillbilly caliente)
the whys - bye bye beach (sanjyo)
rondo hatton - switchblade (breaking the sound barrier)


Playlist 8/30/15

bang! mustang! - teahupoo stomp (the big twang theory)
c&c surf factory - takeshiesque (garage city)
Langhorns - in your fez (mission exotica)
the trabants - white fire (FREAKOUT)

link wray and the wraymen - the sweeper - 45
the breakers - jet stream (strummin mental volume four)
bo diddley - old smokey (bo diddley beach party)
freddie king - king-a-ling - 45
sandy nelson - Boot-leg (drums a go-go)
the astronauts - el aguila (the eel) (competition couope)

eddie angel - Rampage (7")


Playlist 8/24/2015

los tiki phantoms - piña colada - y el misterio del talismán (self-released)
the del-vipers - la - terror of the del-vipers (double crown records)
the other timelines - vampcamp - the other timelines (double crown)
barbacoa - pounding surf - barbacoa (self-released)
bombón - La Sirena - a date with bombón (burger)



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