Blog Stuff

The 427's - Mavericks

I'm under the impression that The 427's EP Surf Noir got a bit of a attention in surf circles, and I don't doubt that they'll find an audience with their first full-length Mavericks. They've got a pretty trad sound with two guitars, bass, and drums, but the arrangements and riffs are all very catchy and memorable. On one listen, "Fake Betty", "Night of the Living Surf" and "Urchin Stomp" were standouts. On "Yellowbelly" and "The Blue Cactus" they stretch out a bit with added instrumentation for a spaghetti western sound.

From: 11/09/2015 - 08:00

Balu & die Surfgrammeln - Los Chicharrones del Surf

This one has been available for streaming for a while, but like so many others their vinyl 10" got stuck in an enormous backlog. But the wait is over, and you can now spin these songs on your turntable. Balu & die Surfgrammeln have a pretty trad, upbeat surf sound interspersed with a lot of vintage audio clips. I love the bounce in "Der Zerfall Von Backerbsen" and the percussion in their version of Comanche.

And of course, gotta love that great Shawn Dickinson artwork.

You can order it from Green Cookie or through bandcamp.

From: 11/05/2015 - 07:45

Black River Manifesto - Kingmaker

Here's something a little different. Black River Manifesto take a slow, noisy approach to surf. It's pained and dischordant, at times maybe even a little jazzy (the upright acoustic bass helps there), and sometimes bluesy ( was a lot bluesier).

From: 11/05/2015 - 07:33

The Illumignarly- Apocalypse Gnar

The Illumignarly come out swinging with the quick and powerful track "Beeriodic Table of Sharks" but as you get a little further into that you hear a moment of spaciness that hints at the couple of prog elements that come out in "Neo Rubicon" and "Cannibal Castration" (a vocal track). "Tall Can" and "Dude I Like Your Shredder" are 100% surf rock shredding material. This is a pretty impressive EP with a lot of ideas in it and a whole lot of oomph.

From: 11/03/2015 - 07:58

Today's play

Hope y'all all had a thoroughly spooky hollereen! I've got a bunch of things new and "new" stockpiled for this weeks' show: a bunch of 45s, new Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion, Hypnotzar, Moms I'd Like to Surf... how are these all band names?

See y'all at 4pm Central time, just click the link to the right.

As for what I played last week:

10/26/15: HOLLEREEN

From: 11/02/2015 - 08:37


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